Tuesday, March 1, 2011

This video appears to have lots of feedback and blurring going on. This could be done in Max using the jit.wake object and the jit.slide object. The slide object creates a trail effect in various amounts depending on the argument it is given. The video also increases and decreases in size which could be done using the jit.rota effect and sending it various zoom_x and zoom_y positions. The video also appears to increase in brightness and saturation and change colors at various points. These effects could easily be created by using the jit.brocsa and increasing the brightness and saturation. The color changes could be done using the jit.hue effect or changing the colors of the jit matrix. At certain points in the video there also appears to be two videos mixed together. This could be done using the jit.op object and experimenting with various arguments until the desired effect is achieved.

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